despre Identitatea Virtuală de Mihnea Măruță

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review pentru GoodReads:

“Virtual Identity” is not a typical book. It's a multimedia journey into the realms of philosophy and technology. At the end of each chapter and throughout the book, QR codes lead to a podcast co-hosted by Măruță and tech entrepreneur Dragoș Stanca in which they delve deeply into some of the chapter's topics, making the entire reading experience very “new”. The “Virtual Identity” project defies traditional borders, enabling readers to ponder the dynamic convergence of technology and philosophy, making it a comprehensive exercise in contemplating the meaning and implications of social media. Within over 200 pages, the author explores how our interaction with social networks affects our thinking, prompting us to consider the effects of the virtual world on our physical lives. It is by far the most comprehensive and fascinating book I've read about social media and virtual identity, and I hope an English version is on the way.